Monday, October 31, 2016

Happy Halloween!

Hello Everyone!
Happy Halloween! I hope you all have a fun, safe, and candy filled Halloween. If you aren't going trick-or-treating, I have you covered. While studying, you can eat your favorite Halloween candy to stay focused and in the spirit. My personal favorite are the pumpkin shaped candies (made with honey) and Dove's Salted Carmel Chocolate (Yum!). Or, treat yourself to a Frappula from Starbucks. If you want to watch Netflix I suggest these Halloween themed Friends episodes. Double points if you bring along your candy and watch Friends. Other films include Hocus Pocus, and It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown! If you are wondering what I am for Halloween, I am a physician! I could be considered Meredith Grey (Grey's Anatomy) or Lisa Cuddy (House M.D). I want to be a pediatric cardiologist so this costume was quite fitting for Halloween!
Have a Spooktacular Day!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Central Perk October Edition

Hello Everyone!
My favorite TV series of all time is Friends. I have a whole Pinterest board dedicated to Friends, and I follow several Friends Instagram and Twitter accounts. In a nut shell, it's safe to say I'm a "mere fan of the show." If you know anything about Friends, you would know that everyday they get coffee from the Central Perk. 
What better way to share my love for Friends and my love for coffee! Each month or so, I will share with you all my favorite coffee of the month. This month, I have had several amazing cup of coffee. 

First, I had went on a study date with my friend to Starbucks.  I had a free drink, and asked what the largest size I could get was. Life hack time! You can get a venti, with extra shots, pumps etc! I was so shocked by this, and ordered a Venti Iced Carmel Macchiato with six pumps of vanilla and extra caramel drizzle. Shoutout to the Barista that made my drink because it made the blogger in me reach for my camera to snap a picture. It was so very good and I absolutely loved it. A few days ago, my mom and I stopped into Starbucks for a cappuccino. They recently started having almond milk in addition to coconut milk (shoutout to all my vegan readers). My mom and I did get the almond milk, and oh my goodness! It was very strong and it gave me a fall feel. 
Lastly, I love Califia Farms coffee. It is so nice to wake up in the morning and not have to go grab your coffee and just have it in your refrigerator waiting for you. Its cold brew, so you don't have a bitter taste which you can get with iced coffee sometimes. I'm 100% serious that I look forward to having my cup of coffee in the morning, and when I wake up its the first thing I do. 
I hope my coffee recommendations helped you guys out. Leave your favorite coffee brands/types below as I would love to try them! Also, if you haven't watched Friends take this as your sign to go watch a few episodes!

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Bucket List #1 Drink A Pumpkin Spice Latte

Hello Everyone!
Today, I am sharing with you guys the first bucket list task! The Florida heat has now been replaced with a much needed fall breeze. I understand people in the Northern part of the United States probably find this amusing, but us Floridians, its a step in the right direction. As you all know, I love coffee. However, I only drink almond and coconut milk. Well, because I only drink almond and coconut milk is how I found my favorite coffee! I drink the Califia Field milk, and they also make coffee products! 
If you are vegan, or can't consume dairy, this coffee is for you! It is extremely healthy and has several flavors. Personally, I purchase mine at Whole Foods for around five dollars. It has six, eight ounce cups of coffee in it, so it will last you about a week. The first flavor I tried was espresso, and oh my goodness! The flavor isn't bitter, and it tastes just like mocha ice-cream. And what you've all been waiting for, they also have a Pumpkin Spice Latte flavor. Again, it was so creamy and gives just enough caffeine. 
Needless to say, this bucket list number #1 is a success! I am so excited to be sharing my bucket list adventures with you guys, so stay tuned, and keep your eye out for more posts!

Friday, October 7, 2016

DIY Inspirational & Goal Board

Hello Everyone!
If you happen to live in Florida, Georgia, or the Carolinas, you may be feeling the affects of Hurricane Matthew. I am so thankful that the effects were not devastating, as the news kept saying it was going to be. I continue to pray that this storm goes out to sea, and does not harm anyone further.
I purchased the supplies to do this a few months back, but have been waiting for the perfect day. Today was that day, and with the hurricane, I pulled out my supplies, and began. 
Lilly Pulitzer Magazines 
Push Pins
Really Anything Works 

I actually filmed myself making my board, so this would make more sense, and you can see how mine turned out!  I would love to see your creations on Instagram, so be sure to tag me!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Fall Bucket List

Hello Everyone!
Is it just me, or did September fly by? Regardless, today I am sharing you guys my Fall Bucket List. I hope you guys will join me in completing it. 
1) Drink a Pumpkin Spice Latte.
2) Count My Blessings. 
3) Carve a Pumpkin.
4) Read a book, with lots of fuzzy blankets, and a cup of seasonal coffee/tea.
5) Make healthy candy apples.
6) Jump in a pile of leaves.
7) Donate to a food drive. 
8) Watch It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. 
9) Burn lots of fall candles and find my favorite. 
10) Attend a potluck party and bring a fall dish.

I am truly so excited to celebrate this time of year. I look forward to sharing my Bucket List adventures with you. 