Friday, November 4, 2016

Soup and Good Company

Hello Everyone!
The weather in Florida is quite the puzzle. In the morning, it's cool, in the middle of the day, its an oven, and at night it cools down again. I went on a picnic the other day and my phone overheated so much it told me it wouldn't work until it cooled down. Well, that's Florida weather for you!
My mom and I decided to get butternut squash soup for dinner, and enjoy the Florida weather by sitting outside. We had a small piece of bread on the side. We are actually eating vegan right now, so I will be updating you all soon on how it's going! I went vegan this summer for a few weeks and loved it. My mom and I both are enjoying eating vegan and this was no exception.
I really enjoyed the time, and am so glad I could spend it with such great company, shoutout to you mom! Before this, my mom and I grabbed a cup of coffee. Both of our thoughts will be shared in the November Central Perk, so look out for that. As far of my thoughts on the soup; it was delicious! 
Have a great weekend! 

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